Tuesday, 10 May 2011

A One Man Pecha Kucha

Join Matt Clark in a visual account of his week-long residency in the Modern Art Oxford Project Space. Using the unique Pecha Kucha format, Clark will present 20 slides, each with a 20 second description, to give you an informal and fast-paced taster of the ideas behind the work of this exciting emerging artist.

Come along from 7:30pm for a drink and a chance to talk to the artist.
WHEN: Thursday 12th May from 7:30pm. 
WHERE: Modern Art Oxford, 30 Pembroke Street, Oxford. OX1 1BP 

This is a FREE event, but places are limited please book through Modern Art Oxford on 01865 813800

Friday, 6 May 2011

One day left to see Planning for Paradise!

Last chance to see Planning for Paradise.

5 - 7 May, 2011
Thur - Sat 12-5pm
The Project Room. Jericho Community Centre. 33a Canal Street. Oxford. OX2 6HB

Planning for Paradise poses the question: What are the aesthetic trends of protest and social activism today?

Taking contemporary examples of social activism and radical conservatism as a point of departure, Louis Jack, Peter Shenai, James Sutton and Thomas Watson, four final year students at the Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art, University of Oxford, collaborate on an installation entitled Planning for Paradise at The Project Room, Jericho between 4th and 7th May.


An assimilation of works in a variety of media deal with issues of cultural unrest, specifically focusing on discourse surrounding British education. Planning for Paradise will address the themes of critical impotence, authorship and the space of image production and consumption. 

Matt Clark, Project Space Residency at Modern Art Oxford

Matt Clark is safely installed in the Modern Art Oxford Project Space and will open to the public today at 11am.

In partnership with Modern Art Oxford, Launch Collaborative present new sculptures and work in progress by artist Matt Clark in the gallery’s Project Space. Building fabled narratives, Clark constructs spaces and objects that are wholly reflective and often psychologically charged and mysterious, that perhaps could no longer exist without the stories they embody.

Breaking down the barriers between production and display, Clark will be working in the Project Space throughout his residency and available to discuss his ideas with the public from 11am to 5pm daily, 12noon – 5pm on Sunday.

6 - 14 May, 2011
Tue - Sun 11-5pm
Modern Art Oxford, 30 Pembroke Street, Oxford. OX1 1BP